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Umpiring - Expressions of Interest

St James Netball  Club  is  to  provide  umpires for Net  Set  Go  games  on  a  Friday  night  as well as  each U11 to  Open Saturday  games. St James Netball  Club  has an  extensive  program  for  the training  of  learner  and  beginner  umpires. Our  Program  is  guided and  supported by  MENA and  the  MENA Umpire  Pathway.


At SJNC we also have our Mentoring program. Our  beginner  and  learner umpires are  guided and  supported by  mentors. Mentors hold  an integral  part in the  development, learning  and  umpiring  journey. Without  mentors the  umpiring  journey  cannot  exist.


At St  James  Netball  Club,  we  support  and  encourage  all our umpires  to  develop their fulfilment  of the  umpiring  journey. When learner umpires  enter  the  MENA  training  program  and  become  badged it  is an expectation and  highly  recommended to  give  back  to  the  St  James  Netball  Club  and  become  a  mentor for  the beginner umpires  starting  their journey.


If you  are interested  in becoming  an  umpire,  please  complete  an expression  of  interest form below:





Thanks for submitting! Someone will be in contact with you soon.

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